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12 Family & Consumer Science Tips:

1.  ALWAYS read the complete recipe first before cooking.  


2.  Try to allow extra time when cooking a new dish - it always takes longer     than you think!


3.  Clean up as you go when cooking, you will thank yourself later!


4.  Treat yourself to fresh spices - You don't know what you are missing until     you cook with them!


5.  Frequently it is faster, tastier, and healthier to "whip something up" than     it is to buy take out food!


6.  When preparing a complicated, yet delicious dish, try to make a double       batch and freeze half of it for a later treat.


7.  Try to keep certain food "basics" on hand for when you feel like cooking       but don’t want to go to the grocery store.


8.  Always ask for the change when you have a gift card with a balance of         $10 or less - it's a state law that you can redeem it for cash. 


9.  Think first about how many hours you need to work to pay for an               impulse purchase that you may regret later. 


10.  Knowing how to repair and alter clothing will save you a lot of time,          money, and frustration!


11.  "Preparing to sew" takes longer than the actual sewing. Allow extra time      for preparation then you can enjoy the sewing part.


12.  Expect to make a mistake somewhere in your sewing project - then you        won't be hard on yourself when you do!



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